2 results tagged “Bebo”

Intuit acquires Mint.com for $170 million : latest in string of high profile acquisitions of Atomic PR clients
Mint.com yesterday became the latest Atomic PR client acquired by a major brand in recent months. Almost exactly 2 years ago, an Atomic team met with Donna Wells, Mint.com CMO (and former Intuit CMO) and Mint.com founder and CEO, Aaron Patzer to see if there might be a good fit. Atomic's analytics...

Atomic agency family has two large clients acquired one day apart. Over a dozen in past two years.
March 13, 2008 was an interesting day for Atomic when the agency heard that client Rapt (www.rapt.com) was to be acquired by Microsoft same day. Rapt is the leading provider of advertising yield management solutions for digital media publishers. Rapt's technology, along with its information and adv...