2 results tagged “Intuit”

Atomic PR named Agency of Record for Intuit's Personal Finance Products
Atomic has been named AOR for the Personal Finance Group at Intuit, following Intuit's acquisition of Mint.com; extending our responsibilities to include Quicken's range of personal financial management solutions. We're working with Intuit's Personal Finance Group on umbrella strategy, positioning,...

Intuit acquires Mint.com for $170 million : latest in string of high profile acquisitions of Atomic PR clients
Mint.com yesterday became the latest Atomic PR client acquired by a major brand in recent months. Almost exactly 2 years ago, an Atomic team met with Donna Wells, Mint.com CMO (and former Intuit CMO) and Mint.com founder and CEO, Aaron Patzer to see if there might be a good fit. Atomic's analytics...