Atomic is the guest blogger on PR Week Insider this week
On a technicality, they listed Andy as the sole blogger from Atomic - but actually, we both wrote the post from today about measurement, and also the one about traditional vs. social media to come. Sean Mulholland, Atomic's director of digital operations wrote the one on the greater power of searc...
The 13 things senior executives need to know about working with a PR firm
(we just couldn't limit ourselves to 10)
PR can be such a slippery animal. Just when you think you've got a handle on what it's all about and how it works, something new happens to confound you yet again. Contrary to popular belief, however, PR is not a black art and there is some method to our m...
Atomic featured in PR Week's 2008 Annual Agency Business Report - Moves up in Agency Rankings
For the second year running, Atomic was one of a handful of tech related agencies profiled by PR Week in their annual Agency Business Report. Thanks PR Week.
For Atomic, 2007 was a year of crossing the $5 million threshold, while preparing and investing to go to the next level in 2008. We had grow...