3 results tagged “Smule”

Smule: from start up to iPhone application leader, instantly
Smule (www.smule.com), a young angel funded start-up, hired Atomic PR to launch the company and its line of innovative sonic media iPhone applications in September, 2008. ComContext™ analysis revealed that while there was tremendous interest in the iPhone and applications, there was no tangible br...

Smule's Ocarina: This is how you build a great iPhone app
Last Friday, Jason Kincaid posted this piece, which we love, about new client Smule (www.smule.com) on TechCrunch. Smule introduced the Sonic Lighter in September, allowing users to spread light over sound using the new Smule Sonic Network™. The Sonic Network now spans 3,500 unique geographic locat...

Jim would have loved this...
Smule; because we can....