3 results tagged “search engine optimization”

AtomicPR Perspective: The SEO impact of Google's new Caffeine index on public relations
Google recently announced a major overhaul of its search index which they've dubbed Caffeine. The new indexing system marks a major shift in Google's ability to index content in near real time - so fast in fact, that some sites report new content being available in Google's search index within minu...

The broader power of search
Search engine optimization is often thought of as having a singular purpose - driving traffic to a website - but in the modern communications landscape, SEO goes far beyond traffic building. Enquiro, a research firm commissioned by Google to study the brand effect of search, produced a report tha...

Traditional vs. social media? It's all just media now
Some social media purists say the world has flipped from a top-down, traditional media driven landscape to a bottom-up, social driven landscape. We're not sure that's right. People often tweet and blog about what they encounter in the mass media, and the mass media often reports on memes that firs...